Category Archives for Youth

5 Power Phrases to Boost Your Relationships

Need a boost to your relationships today?  Here are 5 phrases that are sure to make a difference in any relationship you have, even if it has been struggling lately.  […]

10 Suggestions to Help Stop the Yelling

Have you ever been yelled at as an adult?  Maybe it was in traffic or when you accidentally spilled something on the big mean guy in front of you at a ball […]

How to Help Your Kids Defeat Summer Boredom

  Every parent knows that with the much anticipated breaks from school also come the much dreaded words we all hear from the kids.  “I’m bored. There is nothing to […]

Wrapping the Awkward Gift of Advice

Confrontation and giving advice. When we know our friends may be struggling with a problem, sin, or even an addiction, it’s never easy to offer helpful correction or give input.  […]

5 Power Phrases to Boost Your Relationships

  Five Simple Short Phrases to Boost the Love in Any Relationship.  Need a boost to your relationships today?  Here are 5 phrases that are sure to make a difference […]