First Baptist

Need a boost to your relationships today?  Here are 5 phrases that are sure to make a difference in any relationship you have, even if it has been struggling lately.  Simple, yet amazingly effective.  Try one out today!

1.  “I love you.”  If you love someone, let them know it.  Tell them and show them often.  You may think they know it, and they might, but it is always nice to say it.  I Corinthians 13 reminds us that we can be smart, sacrificial and sound wonderful in our speech, but if we don’t have love, we are nothing.  Tell your wife, your son or daughter, call your mom and dad.  Even in the struggles, an “I love you” sure can’t hurt.

2.  “I was wrong, forgive me.”  One of my professors in college encouraged us to substitute this phrase for “I’m sorry.”  In saying “I was wrong,” there is no doubt in the offended and hurt person’s mind that you know you hurt them and desire their forgiveness and restoration of the relationship.  We cannot be rightly related to God if we have broken and torn relationships with others.  Perhaps you need to use this phrase with someone today.  Don’t wait for them even if they were wrong, too.

3.  “Thank you.”  In Luke 17, we read about those with leprosy who Jesus healed.  He literally changed the rest of their lives.  Things were different because of His intervention.  Only one returned to say thank you.  There certainly have been people who have made a difference in your life – people whose intervention changed things for the better.  Do they know you are thankful?  What about old friends, parents, your children, their teachers, a coach, or former pastor.  Make sure they know you are thankful.  “Thank you” is never said too late or too much.

4.  “I will .”  We must say “I will” to God as he speaks to us about things he wants us to do or change, but we also need to say it to others.  Jesus showed us in John 13 His willingness to wash His disciples’ feet.  He then commanded us to do the same.  Look for needs you can meet, and then when you see it, say, “I will.”  Try it with your husband or wife, your neighbor, your pastor, your children, or your mom and dad.  You’ll be amazed at how serving others builds the relationship and encourages your own heart at the same time.

5.  “I can.”  Have you hit some brick wall in your Christian life?  Do you feel defeated because of a sinful habit, or lack of prayer?  Perhaps there is some difficult trial you and your teen or you and a spouse or friend are going through.  In any instance, it is easy to say, “I can’t make it.”  Paul reminds us that we CAN do all things THROUGH CHRIST who will strengthen us.  A great lesson we must learn is that in myself I can’t, but in Him, I can.  Try saying “I can” to yourself.  Say it to others who you may be struggling with.  Acknowledging that you can build your relationship by saying something like this can make a huge difference.  “I can make this work with God’s help.”  “I can react in forgiveness with God’s help.”  “I can be patient and work through this by God’s grace.”

If we can be of help or encouragement to you in building your relationship with God, biblically repairing your relationship with others, or just listening to your heartache, please get in touch.
Written by Mike Glanzer.