Category Archives for Parenting

6 Characteristics of the Perfect Father

By Pastor Raymond Wicks Father’s Day reminds us to honor our earthly fathers, perfect or not.  Take some time to think about and thank your earthly father for his influence […]

Honoring Mom

By Pastor Raymond Wicks | May 2020 This Sunday we will give recognition to some of the most special people in our lives, our mothers.  My heart is filled with […]

Moms Make a Difference!

By Pastor Raymond Wicks | May 2020 An old Spanish proverb says, “An ounce of mother is worth a pound of clergy.” Moms should be honored Prov. 30:11 “There is […]

How to Pray for Your Family by Pastor Raymond Wicks

Following are some lists to help guide you in praying for your spouse and/or child. Praying for Wife God would help me as her husband to be what I need […]

Why Don’t Your Children Behave?

Have you ever looked at other people’s children and wondered why they’re so well behaved, while your children aren’t?  Can you take your children to a restaurant and make it […]