Category Archives for Exhortation

6 Questions to Prayerfully Consider Before You Leave Your Church

  Stop, Don’t Leave Just Yet… 6 Questions to Prayerfully Consider Before You Leave Your Church. There are a lot of good reasons for you to leave your current church. […]

Take Some Time to Start Right – Some Biblical Advice

  It is here. A new year is a fresh start. It provides a clean slate to write your story. Here are some biblical ways of doing so to consider […]

Wrapping the Awkward Gift of Advice

Confrontation and giving advice. When we know our friends may be struggling with a problem, sin, or even an addiction, it’s never easy to offer helpful correction or give input.  […]

Pride’s Disguises- 7 Ways Pride Can Hide In Your Life

  Pride is most often characterized by loud, arrogant, boastful, in-your-face annoyances. However, pride can also wear many disguises and be present in our lives in ways we may easily […]

Ten Tips for the Next Ten Days by Paul Chappell

It’s amazing to me that during such a wonderful time of year as Christmas—a celebration that is so significant to our faith—there are Christians who don’t benefit from the season. […]