First Baptist

Tithing and Giving FAQ



Why Do We Give?
Giving is a privilege. The storehouse spoken of in Malachi is what we consider the local church. By partnering our monies together, God’s work is done more effectively. Even Paul recognized this in the newly formed churches of the New Testament. He tells the Corinthians in 2 Corinthians 8:13-15, “For I mean not that other men be eased, and ye burdened: But by an equality, that now at this time your abundance may be a supply for their want, that their abundance also may be a supply for your want: that there may be equality: As it is written, He that had gathered much had nothing over; and he that had gathered little had no lack.”

Online Bible Reading Hits New High – ABS

This article was first published on

Here’s a revelation: A whopping 41 percent of Americans used the Internet to read the Bible in the past year.

According to the American Bible Society’s “State of the Bible 2013” survey, Americans are increasingly looking to digital devices to read the good book. The study revealed that 29 percent of Americans said they searched for Bible verses on smartphones, while 17 percent read the Bible on a Kindle or an iPad, according to the Washington Examiner.

“The data shows a continual shift to digital content. The number of Bible readers who use their smartphone or cell phone to search for Bible content has increased each year, with a 6 percent increase in the use of this format from 2012,” said the Society. “Use of Internet to find Bible content has also increased, up 4 percent from 2011.”

Back-to-School Survival Tips

This article was originally published on

1. Be a savvy user of technology and ensure your child knows the electronics usage policy at the school.

Technology is moving at lightning speed and the school policies change frequently to keep up. Know what the rules are for phones, texting, going on the Internet, school laptops, iPads, iPods, etc..

And for your child’s own electronics, label everything; in fact scratch their name on the device if you own it so it will get returned if lost.

Today, information coming home in paper format is more and more limited. Don’t be the parent who doesn’t read e-mail so the teacher/school has to base the communication process on you.

2013 VBS Recap

Vacation Bible School! Whew! What a week!

Building from last year, VBS saw an average of 26 more attendees than last year, with many decisions being made for Christ. Elementary-aged children enjoyed stories, lessons and rally times at the church facility; the teenagers had a wonderful week of activities as well, culminating in Destination Unknown at the Stewart’s house on Thursday evening!

All of this was based around the object of sharing the gospel and basic Bible truths with the young people.

Journeys of Grace

Grace loves adventure. Grace loves to see new places; to do new things. A journey of Grace is not the exception – it is the norm. Grace has been found in all 50 states. Grace is known to many people from many backgrounds, with many stories. And I’m not talking theology here, people – I’m talking about Grace Coulton. Remember, the bubbly, cheerful, stranded-in-Colorado-for-two-days-in-a-blizzard Grace? – yes, THAT Grace!