10 Things To Do… To Enjoy Christmas in Omaha

1. Go see the Christmas events at the Durham Museum – Christmas trees, Holiday Miniatures, Concert Series, and more!
2. Enjoy the lights and food at the Old Market – art, entertainment, food, and Christmas lights – what could be better?
3. Browse ‘Christmas Stamps’ in Boy’s Town– see Christmas-themed stamps from around the world at Boy’s Town Visitor’s Center.
4. See gingerbread houses at the Mormon Trail Center at Historic Winter Quarters – elaborate gingerbread creations and beautifully decorated trees, with something for the entire family.
6. Smell Poinsettas at Lauritzen Gardens – Be amazed by this spectacular floral display featuring a 20-foot-tall poinsettia tree, model trains and other nostalgic decorations.
7. See the “Christmas Carol” at Omaha Community Playhouse – If you have never seen a production of this famous play live, just know that the Muppets don’t do it justice.
8. Cruise through a holiday-minded community near you in Omaha – this website displays local holiday light displays that might be worth discovering for yourself!
9. Ride Arrow Stage Lines on an Omaha Holiday Lights Tour – Arrow Stage Lines presents their ‘Ultra Luxury Coach’ for the lights tour which starts out in West Omaha and is concluded Downtown. The tour lasts a little over 2 hours.
10 Visit GROUPON before visiting any of these that require paid admission. For example, the Arrow Stage Lines Holiday Lights Tour is half price at groupon.com! (It goes without saying that First Baptist Church does NOT condone or endorse all of the activities listed at groupon.com).
P.S. You should also consider enjoying Tuba Christmas!
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