Advisors Anonymous – 6 Ways a Wife Can Frustrate Her Husband or Make His Day

The following are tips submitted by the congregation of First Baptist Church in Plattsmouth, Nebraska in a program called ‘Advisors Anonymous.’
A wife can frustrate her husband when she:
- Puts him down in public
- Employs constant badgering to get her way.
- Uses the “you always” phrase.
- Complains about something he cannot provide or fix.
- Minimizes his efforts or sacrifice
- Takes unrelated frustrations out on him
A wife can make her husband’s day when she:
- Brags on him.
- Prepares his favorite dish.
- Asks about his day and listens.
- Is available to him. 🙂
- Tells him how she admires him.
- Gives him an evening of peace and tranquility – no problems.
Perhaps you have some helpful thoughts that you do not see included here? We encourage you to take the time to leave your thoughts in a comment on this page!
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