First Baptist


Reaching Beyond Our Walls to Serve and Impact

Bus Ministry

The bus ministry allows many children and teenagers to attend the services of First Baptist Church. We currently serve Plattsmouth and sections of Bellevue. We will pick up any kid who has a heart to attend church and know more about God. Countless lives have been changed through the bus ministry.

The bus ministry has influenced hundreds of children, adults, and families. For many of these kids, coming to First Baptist Church. and feeling the love of Christ is the highlight of their week. This ministry is staffed by dozens of volunteer Christians who love people. Every Sunday morning, we offer those who need assistance getting to church a ride on our shuttle bus equipped with a wheelchair ramp and caring workers to ensure a safe ride.

If you are interested in having a bus pick you up, please fill out this form and we will get in contact with you!


The Bible is an extremely powerful book. It has answers and practical applications for any situation you might be facing, and at First Bapitst Plattsmouth, we desire to help you apply Bible truths to your everyday life. Some of the best and most helpful counseling you can receive is through weekly teaching and preaching. From these messages, you will learn what the Bible says, why it’s important, and how to apply it in your life.

If you live in the Bellevue or Plattsmouth area and have a specific need you would like to speak to a pastor or counselor about, we would love to hear from you and schedule a time to meet your needs. First Baptist offers skilled counselors to give Biblical principles for marriage, family, finances, and other spiritual needs. You can email or call the church office at 402.296.9284 to schedule an appointment.

Prayer Chain

“Pray one for another” James 5:16
To have your prayer request sent out on the Prayer Chain, please call the church at 402.296.9284 or email
If you currently do not receive prayer chain updates, you can be added to the list by submitting this form.